Scholarship Application – 2025

Scholarship Application 2025

The Kiwanis Club of Belmar is offering two $1,000 Scholarships to graduating seniors from Alameda International High School, who have shown a high level of ongoing commitment to both community service as well as academics during his/her high school years. Kiwanis International is built upon the foundation of community service, both locally and globally, with particular emphasis on helping children and youth. As such, the key criteria for selection of the scholarship recipient will be in harmony with the principles of Kiwanis International. Application Process/ Deadline You must apply by April 25, 2025. Applications may be submitted as an attachment to an email [email protected]. Alternatively, send completed applications by US mail to Shirley Otto, 1035 S. Butler Way, Lakewood, CO 80226. Depending on the number of applicants and the quality of the applications received, a short, personal interview may be requested. The winning applicant, and his/her high school counselor, will be notified by letter no later than May 9, 2025. To celebrate the scholarship award, the recipient may be required to attend a Kiwanis Club of Belmar meeting, either in person or via a Zoom call, to address the Club members. Meetings are usually held the first and third Thursday at 11:30 am. We will work with the winner to schedule a mutually beneficial date. The recipient also agrees to allow the Kiwanis Club of Belmar Foundation to use her/his name to publicize the scholarship award. The scholarship award will be submitted directly to an accredited trade school, college or university tuition office upon certification to the Kiwanis Club of Belmar Foundation that the applicant has been accepted for enrollment and has registered.

"*" indicates required fields

Enter your full name
Enter your home address
Enter the names and attendance dates of High Schools you have attended.
Tell us about your activities.
Name of school or institution where scholarship will be applied. Field of Interest.
Describe your community service involvement: Specific projects; Number of hours; How you selected service projects; Role you had in the projects; Best and worst of your community service experiences.
Tell us why you should get this scholarship.
Drop files here or
Max. file size: 100 MB.
    Letter of recommendation from your current or previous high school administrator, teacher, counselor, or staff OR someone you have worked with in taking an active role in a local community service activity.
    Drop files here or
    Max. file size: 100 MB.
      Latest high school transcript (can be a copy); this must contain the school name, courses taken and related grades.
      Clear Signature
      Studen Signature
      Clear Signature
