What We Do

Scholarships for Graduating Seniors

Our Kiwanis club raises funds to award scholarships to graduating seniors from Alameda International High School, who have shown a high level of ongoing commitment to both community service as well as academics during his/her high school years. The scholarship award is submitted directly to an accredited trade school, college or university tuition office. Since 2017, we have awarded 17 scholarships to outstanding students. To apply for the 2025 scholarship go here.

Outdoor Lab Scholarships

The Outdoor Lab Schools have been enriching the lives of 6th grade and high school students in Jefferson County for more than 60 years. With more than 6,000 students served each year and well over 350,000 alumni, Outdoor Lab is one of the longest continually running outdoor education program in the western United States. Students are immersed in an outdoor academic setting where they spend their time learning about themselves and how they fit into the world around them.

Our Kiwanis club raises funds to assist parents who may not be able to afford the tuition for their 6th grader to attend Jefferson County Outdoor Lab with their classes. In 2022, with a matching grant from Rocky Mountain District Foundation, we presented $1000 each to:

K-Kids Sponsorship

K-Kids is the largest service organization for elementary school students, with more than 985 clubs world-wide. Club members discover their passion to serve, desire to lead and their ability to engage and collaborate with others to better the school and community.

Our Kiwanis club supports K-Kids service projects, helps facilitate the K-Kids meetings, and provides support for the school’s K-Kids sponsor. Past service projects have been a used shoe drive in support of Soles for Souls, a Kindness Day with fun activities for all classrooms to participate, and making birthday cards to add to bags given to every kid in the school on their birthday.

We currently sponsor K-Kids at

Are you ready to join us? Contact us or apply for Kiwanis club membership here
